Prof. Dr. Stefan Harmeling
Prof. Dr. Stefan Harmeling

Curriculum Vitae:
- 1998: Dipl. Math. with specialization in Mathematical Logic, Universität Münster
- 2000: M.Sc. in Computer Science with specialization on Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, USA
- 2005: Dr. rer. nat. in Machine Learning, Universität Potsdam
- 2005-2007: Postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, Schottland
- 2007-2014: Postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institut für Biologische Kybernetik and at the Max-Planck-Institut for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen
- 2014-2022: Professor for Machine Learning at Universität Düsseldorf
- since 2022: Professor for Artificial Intelligence at TU Dortmund
Research interest:
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Causality
Lectures available online:
- 10 Lectures "KI für Alle" at Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, WS 2019 - 28 Lectures "Machine Learning" at Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, WS 2021 - 28 Lectures "Probabilistic Reasoning and Machine Learning" at TU Dortmund, WS 2022
Prizes and awards:
- 2022: First place at the "Helsinki Tomography Challenge 2022" with Thomas Germer, Jan Robine, Sebastian Konietzny, Tobias Uelwer
- 2012: Günter Petzow prize in appreciation of outstanding scientific work at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- 2011: DAGM prize in appreciation of the outstanding work "Improving Denoising Algorithms via a Multi-Scale Meta-Procedure" with Christopher Burger
- 2009: Award for Best Contribution at the International Conference "COSMOSTAT -- Statistical Challenges in Cosmology" for the poster entitled "Online Blind Deconvolution with Super-Resolution and Saturation Correction" with Michael Hirsch, Suvrit Sra, Bernhard Schölkopf
- 2009: Top Score in category "low noise" of the "International GREAT08 challenge: An image analysis competition for cosmological lensing" with Michael Hirsch, Bernhard Schölkopf